Connecting ZigEasy Coordinator to a server
There are multiple ways to retrieve data from a mesh network designed with the ZigEasy coordinator. Here are some examples.
Local Network
This method is the simplest and classic way to recover data from a local server. In principle, it does not allow access from the internet. In this case, the data can be transmitted in clear text.
Using GEX in an insecure version will be relevant if the TCP/UDP/HTTPD protocols are sufficient for you.

Local network with access from the internet
With this method, we use the local network diagram above, but add access to the server from the internet. In this case, it is essential to secure the data, only between local server and users.
To do this, there are some possibilities including this one :
- Install a proxy like Nginx on your local server with TLS credentials.
Using non-secure GEX or secure GEX S series is similar, depending on which Ethernet protocols you want to use

Remote Server
This is the widely used method if you want to connect one or more mesh networks to a remote server on the internet with a ZigEasy coordinator.
In this case, it is essential to secure the data circulating between your coordinator and the remote server.
Using the secure GEX S series is strongly recommended because it ensures TLS or AES type encrypted communication between the coordinator and the remote server, the GEX S series providing this function natively.
In addition to this, as seen in the previous case, you will also need to set up an encryption method between your remote server and users.